I have just joined Twitter. I now have four avenues by which I can impart my "tenacious spirit and wit" (yes, air quotations are applicable). It began with Myspace, quickly followed by Facebook - remember the days when it was just these two scrapping it out in playground? Myspace was the working-class Oasis to Facebook's Blur? Ahhh, good times - then there was the assault of requests to join Bebo, Meebo, Whereuat? (or something like that) that were duly deflected, with a huge dash of guilt I might add - most of these requests were from my beloved younger cousin, it's just that seriously, how many ways do you need to be able to tell me that "u r hedin down da shops wiv Luci"?? Then I joined Blogger with the idea that at least this was an environment where I would feel compelled to write something of value, or at least more worth than a status update that informs my 120 friends that I am, oh I don't know, feeling gassy, or grouchy, or both. Anyone who knows me could make an educated guess that this would be the case. The fact that in the time it would take to grow a human being, I have failed to write a jot, surely demonstrates that I have no business joining any more of these cyber...things, but no, I now Myspace, Facebook, Blog (albeit intermittantly) and Twitter and honestly my anxieties are mounting. How do I remember all of these logins and passwords? For 26 years my verb closet consisted of walk, sleep, breath, eat, drink and occasionally a few of their more active relations, swim and jog; now I have to find room for blog, twitter and cyber-stalk? Wil I hav 2 start masacarin da english lang 2 fit da Twitter wurd cownt? How do I fulfill all my obligations to post on all of my pages? Will I have to resort to telling people about how I stepped in gum just so that I have something to say? Is it only me that has the eerie sense that maybe we're all just sharing too much? It brings to mind the maxim of Brave New World, that 'everyone belongs to everyone else'. Who doesn't now see it as completely normal to share their formally private thoughts with their few hundred friends? It disturbs me a little, although admittedly, not as much as the hideous spelling and grammar that some of my former classmates use. You went to the same high school as I did people! Our education wasn't that bad...
Harumph, I don't feel satisfactorily exorcised of my anxieties...I shall have to go and Twitter an abbreviated version of the exact.same.thing...